Monday, June 04, 2012, 19:46 - General
Posted by Administrator
There has been lots going on. The end of the school year is quickly approaching.Posted by Administrator
Christina had a field trip to a farm. She had a good time. Christina enjoyed seeing pigs, a dog, goats, bird nests, petting rabbits and chicks, riding a horse, and getting licked by a calf.
Christina's IEP is also being gone over for next year.
Christina has been enjoying her new swing and loves to spin around. I don't know how she keeps from getting so dizzy.
Christina has also become very good at using her voice activated switch. When the purple lights are not on in her room she is sure to give a shout to turn them on. I am proud to watch her look around to see if the lights are on, if off shout to turn them on, then look around to see if they came on. The lights are a string of rope lights hung up around the ceiling.
Christina has had some red spots come and go on various places mostly her legs and arms. We do not know what they are yet, but she goes to the doc tomorrow. I fear it is recurrence of the serum sickness.