Daddy's Log 20100912 
Sunday, September 12, 2010, 22:24 - General, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Daddy's Log 20100909

Christina had a good day at school. When she first saw me she started to cry and wanted up. I held her hand and told her we were going to walk to the van. Marie, her teacher, pushed Christina in her Kid Kart while I held her hand. When Christina saw the van she stopped crying and waited for me to pick her up.

Christina and I played and had a good time. She did wonderful walking in her 'pony' and using the flash cards.

When it was time for Christina to go with Angela the princess gave me extra hugs and held on tight. I miss Christina.

Daddy's Log 20100912

Christina and I had a busy weekend. The Sport Motors Harley Davidson/UCP raffle was on Saturday. On Sunday we went to the fall festival at Draman Church. Both events were fun. We also did lots of walking and singing.

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