Carmen 08/18/2014 Where there's a will, theres a way! Julie Keon 03/16/2012 Thank you for sharing and thank you for the email you sent.g-ma 05/23/2010 Hi sweetie, I wish I could have seen you on my birthday....grandmaa 02/13/2010 Love you baby girl always in my thoughts and prayers....Randi 01/14/2010 We met awhile back at a CVI meeting at a local hotel - I am...
I just wanted to say hi to everyone. Thank you to all who post on my site, I like it when mommy and daddy read me what everyone writes.
Mommy keeps telling me how big I am getting, I guess that I am. Tootles for now.
Thursday, August 02, 2007, 00:20
Hi Christina!!!! Your Mom sent me some more pictures of you. I especially like the one of you yawning. You look so cuddley! I was just looking at pictures of Ferrets. I am considering a pet. I hope you are having a great day!!! Love you, Carmen
Auntie Robyn
Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 01:12
I love the new picture and design! You are such a cutie...we can't wait to see you again!
Your Mom sent me some more pictures of you. I especially like the one of you yawning. You look so cuddley! I was just looking at pictures of Ferrets. I am considering a pet. I hope you are having a great day!!! Love you, Carmen