Carmen 08/18/2014 Where there's a will, theres a way! Julie Keon 03/16/2012 Thank you for sharing and thank you for the email you sent.g-ma 05/23/2010 Hi sweetie, I wish I could have seen you on my birthday....grandmaa 02/13/2010 Love you baby girl always in my thoughts and prayers....Randi 01/14/2010 We met awhile back at a CVI meeting at a local hotel - I am...
Hello internet world. Daddy is getting my blog set up so he and Mommy can put stuff here.
Dad thought I needed a web page. A blog seemed like the best idea.
Sunday, February 04, 2007, 16:37
Hello Sweetie, You are so sweet. I love to see you smile. I wish you would tell me why you don't want to nap when I am home. Play time is fun and you need your sleep.
Love ya, Daddy
Saturday, February 03, 2007, 16:59
I just want you to know how proud of you I am. Your growing so fast and doing new things every day. You are truly amazing.
You are so sweet. I love to see you smile. I wish you would tell me why you don't want to nap when I am home. Play time is fun and you need your sleep.
Love ya,