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- December
Unseasonably warm
It has been way too warm for this time of year. Not a fan.
What's been going on. Let's see where to start.
Loads of pictures.
Running a backup, hint hint. Reorganized the pictures of friends and family. Made a page for us to preview the family pics. The most rece -
Yell Yell Yell
Christina has been super vocal and super loud. The princess has found it fun to scream and the bust out laughing. I am not sure if she is laughing at herself or laughing at me look at her wide eyed trying to figure out what is wrong.
Halloween is getting closer. We had to pick up a -
Saving Box Tops, Milk Caps, Soup Labels
I started saving the various labels/tops to raise money for schools. I found it seems like a long time to get any saved. Anyway, if you save them and don't take the time to drop them off then you just wasted your time.
I also volunteered to help count them. I was surprised how many I
Unseasonably warm
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